So glad you can join the discussion. Our workshop will be from …

What we’re doing now:

It’s truly amazing what people can do once they’re prepared + equipped.

  • now has a roadmap for restarting the GED center that was removed from her community.

  • is taking home some new justice-oriented approaches to parenting.

  • says that after our workshops, he sees justice and injustice everywhere in Scripture in ways he never had before.

  • runs into a situation of injustice at work and knows exactly what to do – because she is prepared. She is able to speak up immediately against the proposed policy change that would disproportionately impact her lower-income colleagues.

  • has a concrete vision of what justice is - for the first time in her life

  • starts to read the newspaper differently and see systemic injustice more clearly around her.

  • sends a letter to the elders at her church requesting further conversation about implementing changes that could prevent injustice in their congregation.

  • is taking the training to her own small group, using the Bible studies to equip people in her circles.

  • is ready to jump into local school district politics and support those who advocate for equity in our education system.